Refractive eye surgery for up to a benefit limit of $2,000 for each member (benefit limit includes inpatient or outpatient surgery). This type of surgery includes radial keratotomy.
Refractive eye surgery for up to a benefit limit of $2,000 for each member (benefit limit includes inpatient or outpatient surgery). This type of surgery includes radial keratotomy.
For covered transplants, benefits are also provided for transportation and lodging costs for up to $200 each day, but no more than a $10,000 lifetime maximum for each condition for each eligible person. These benefits are provided for the transplant recipient who is a member and one companion.
For covered transplants, benefits are also provided for transportation and lodging costs for up to $200 each day, but no more than a $10,000 lifetime maximum for each condition for each eligible person. These benefits are provided for the transplant recipient who is a member and one companion.
This health plan covers one hearing aid (or one set of binaural hearing aids) for each member up to the amount described in the benefit limit. This includes dispensing fees and acquisition costs.
Routine hearing care services and supplies for the dollar amount described in the benefit limit. These covered services include: one hearing test and one hearing aid evaluation test furnished by a General Hospital, Community Health Center or Physician; and one hearing aid or one set of binaural hearing aids (including dispensing and acquisition fees, batteries and repairs) furnished by a Hearing Aid Dealer.
Voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) and voluntary sterilization procedures. (These benefits are limited to the subscriber or the spouse of the subscriber.)