This Medex plan covers Medicare-approved routine vision exams, including refractions, furnished by a Physician (who is an ophthalmologist) or an Optometrist to determine if the member needs corrective lenses.
This health plan covers routine GYN exams furnished by a General Hospital, Community Health Center, Physician, Nurse Practitioner or Nurse Midwife for the number of exams described in the benefit limit.
(These benefits may be reduced if benefits have already been provided for these covered services under a prior Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage in the same eligible time period.)
After Medicare benefits have run out, Medex pays full benefits for day 91 to day 120 in the benefit period when the member is in an inpatient in a General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital. (Any of these Medex benefit days will reduce the Medex benefit days for inpatient admissions in a General or Mental Hospital for treatment of mental conditions.)
After Medicare days have run out, Medex pays full benefits for day 91 to day 120 in the benefit period when the member is in an inpatient in a General or Mental Hospital. (Any of these Medex benefit days will reduce the Medex benefit days for inpatient medical/surgical admissions in a General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital.)
After Medicare days have run out, Medex pays full benefits for day 91 to day 120 in the benefit period when the member is in an inpatient in a General or Mental Hospital. (Any of these Medex benefit days will reduce the Medex benefit days for inpatient medical/surgical admissions in a General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital.)
This Medex plan covers the Medicare blood deductible. This is the non-replacement fee that is charged by a hospital for the first three pints or units of blood or packed red blood cells that are required by the member and is not replaced by the member or another person or organization.
Some examples of covered durable medical equipment include (but are not limited to): knee and back braces; hospital beds; wheelchairs; crutches; walkers; orthopedic and corrective shoes that are part of a leg brace; and glucometers that are medically necessary due to the patient's type of diabetic condition.