Eyewear (prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses) once during the time period described in the benefit limit. These covered services are limited to standard single vision, bifocal or trifocal eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Note: This health plan also covers: contact lenses when they are needed to treat keratoconus; one pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses that are needed after a cataract surgery with insertion of an intraocular lens; and corrective lenses after cataract removal without a lens implant. These benefits are not subject to the benefit limit described for other covered eyewear.
Ambulance transport to an emergency medical facility for emergency medical care. For example, covered ambulance services include transport from an accident scene or to a hospital due to symptoms of a heart attack.
This health plan covers Medicare-covered durable medical equipment and prosthetic devices (and related supplies) obtained from a covered appliance provider. These covered services include:
This health plan covers oxygen and oxygen equipment furnished by a covered provider. (These items are classified the same as durable medical equipment.)