Anesthesia services furnished by a Physician other than the attending Physician or by a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, when the anesthesia is related to covered surgery.
Radiation and x-ray therapy furnished by a Physician. This includes: radiation therapy using isotopes, radium, radon or other ionizing radiation; and x-ray therapy for cancer or when used in place of surgery.
Interpretation of diagnostic x-ray and other imaging tests, diagnostic lab tests and diagnostic machine tests furnished by a Physician or Podiatrist, when these tests are not furnished by a hospital-based radiologist or pathologist.
Medical care furnished by a Physician, Nurse Practitioner or Podiatrist and medical care furnished by a Physician other than the attending Physician to treat an uncommon aspect or complication of the member's illness or injury.
Surgery furnished by a Physician, Podiatrist, Nurse Practitioner or Dentist and services of an assistant surgeon when Blue Cross Blue Shield decides an assistant is needed.
Semiprivate room and board and special services furnished by the hospital. (Private room charges may be covered when the member's attending Physician determines that the room is medically necessary for the member's condition.)