Prostate cancer screening. This includes one digital rectal exam and one prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test every 12 months for members age 50 and older.
Note: This health plan also covers: contact lenses when they are needed to treat keratoconus; one pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses that are needed after a cataract surgery with insertion of an intraocular lens; and corrective lenses after cataract removal without a lens implant. These benefits are not subject to the benefit limit described for other covered eyewear.
Note: The ambulance copayment is waived: when the ambulance trip to the hospital results in the member being held overnight for an observation stay or being admitted for inpatient care within 24 hours; and for trips between hospitals and/or Skilled Nursing Facilities.
Some examples of covered durable medical equipment include (but are not limited to): hospital beds; wheelchairs; respirators; inhalators; nebulizers and oxygen equipment; and glucometers.
Part-time or intermittent skilled nursing visits, physical therapy, speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, medical social work, home health aide services, medical supplies, durable medical equipment.