These benefits also include outpatient emergency medical services furnished by a hospital outpatient department, Community Health Center, Physician or Dentist. These covered services include:
Diagnostic lab tests furnished by a General, Chronic Disease, Rehabilitation or Mental Hospital, Surgical Day Care Unit, Ambulatory Surgical Facility, Community Health Center, Independent Lab or Physician. These tests also include diagnostic machine tests such as pulmonary function tests and holter monitoring.
This health plan covers outpatient care to treat a medical condition when the services are furnished by a General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital, Community Health Center, Physician, Optometrist or Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist. These covered services include:
This health plan covers outpatient radiation and x-ray therapy and chemotherapy furnished by a General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital, Community Health Center, Free-standing Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy Facility or Physician. These covered services include:
This health plan covers medically necessary services to diagnose and treat speech, hearing and language disorders when the services are furnished by a General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital, Community Health Center, Physician, Licensed Audiologist or Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist. These covered services include:
This health plan covers outpatient surgical services furnished by a Surgical Day Care Unit, Ambulatory Surgical Facility, General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital, Community Health Center or Physician. These covered services include:
Semiprivate room and board and special services when the enrolled mother is an inpatient in a General Hospital. The mother's (and newborn child's) inpatient stay will be no less than 48 hours following a vaginal delivery or 96 hours following a Caesarian section unless the mother and her attending Physician decide otherwise as provided by law. If the mother chooses to be discharged earlier, this health plan provides benefits for one home visit by a Physician or Registered Nurse within 48 hours of discharge. This visit may include: parent education; assistance and training in breast or bottle feeding; and appropriate tests. This health plan will provide benefits for more visits by a covered health care provider only if Blue Cross Blue Shield determines they are clinically necessary.
This health plan covers routine pediatric care furnished by a General Hospital, Community Health Center, Physician or Independent Lab. These covered services include:
This health plan covers routine physical exams furnished by a General Hospital, Community Health Center, Physician or Independent Lab. These covered services include: