(These benefits may be reduced by any benefits that have already been provided for infertility services under a prior Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage.)
After the Medex deductible, Medex pays the balance of the Medicare Part A deductible and the Part A coinsurance from day 61 to day 90 in the benefit period (or the Part A coinsurance when Medicare lifetime reserve days are used).
After the Medex deductible, Medex pays the balance of the Medicare Part A deductible and the Part A coinsurance from day 61 to day 90 in the benefit period (or the Part A coinsurance when Medicare lifetime reserve days are used).
After the Medex deductible, Medex pays the balance of the Medicare Part A deductible and the Part A coinsurance from day 61 to day 90 in the benefit period (or the Part A coinsurance when Medicare lifetime reserve days are used).
This health plan covers medically necessary short-term rehabilitation therapy furnished by a General, Chronic Disease or Rehabilitation Hospital, Community Health Center or Physical Therapist up to the number of visits described in the benefit limit. These covered services include:
Private duty nursing furnished by a registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) but only if the hospital's regular nursing staff cannot perform skilled nursing care due to the frequency and complexity of the services. Note: These services are limited to $1,000 for each member in each calendar year.