Medex Choice covers Medicare-approved durable medical equipment and prosthetic devices when the supplies or devices are furnished by an HMO Blue provider. This coverage includes:
Medex Choice covers Medicare-approved oxygen and oxygen equipment when it is furnished by an HMO Blue provider. (These items are classified the same as durable medical equipment. Refer to the Medicare handbook for more information.)
Note: Medex Choice covers Medicare-approved durable medical equipment that is supplied as part of the Medicare-approved home health care services as long as the durable medical equipment is furnished by an HMO Blue durable medical equipment provider.
In certain situations, Medicare provides full coverage for hospice services. For hospice services not covered in full by Medicare, Medex Choice covers hospice services when the services are furnished by an HMO Blue hospice provider. This coverage includes:
For hospice services not covered by Medicare, Medex Choice provides full coverage as long as the services are furnished by an HMO Blue hospice provider. But, no coverage is provided for non-medically necessary inpatient room and board charges.
For services not covered by Medicare, Medex Choice provides full coverage for the formulas and food products listed below, when the supplies are furnished by an HMO Blue provider:
Medex Choice covers Medicare-approved diabetic services and supplies when the services and supplies are furnished by an HMO Blue provider. Some examples of these covered services include blood glucose test strips, lancet devices and lancets, and glucose-control solutions for checking the accuracy of test strips and monitors.
This health plan covers preventive dental care, such as periodic oral exams, cleanings, and fluoride treatments, when the dental care is furnished by a Dentist (or other covered health care providers) for members under age 18 and who are being treated for conditions of cleft lip and cleft palate.
This health plan includes a separate Dental Plan that provides coverage for pediatric essential dental benefits. This separate Dental Plan covers all dental services considered to be pediatric essential dental benefits, as long as an eligible member receives covered dental services from a Blue Cross Blue Shield Participating Dentist. The annual deductible and out-of-pocket maximum for these dental benefits are separate from the deductible and out-of-pocket maximum for medical benefits. Refer to the Dental Blue Pediatric Essential Benefits Plan benefit booklet for information about these pediatric essential dental benefits.